Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How To Manage Creativity

Most stories of enterprises Business-functionality of creativity, are creators of their core competencies. They are regarded as examples to all businesses fro emulate.This method does not reflect the vast majority of businesses need to know how they think, to encourage creativity and managed in the course of their business.
These examples show how to manage creative enterprises creativity, but it does not discuss the vast majority of companies creativity is secondary to their value proposition. It is much more challenging and interesting to discover how creativity management, it is a utility electricity generation or a grocery store or a production site. This discussion would be much more interesting and useful to have a greater level managers struggle with possibilities of creating new flows of value to the inclusion of the results of their workers. Review of the Toyota production method is an excellent example of a mature industry, has discovered how to make a difference with the innate creativity of its employees.
The good news is that science offers, we all have the capacity for creativity, unless we can obtain, through social barriers that allow much creativity silent. We receive socialization at school on compliance and not rocking the boat. But this potential, it remains in our brains wired by millions of years, evolution, which is expected to be open.

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